Fri, 30 December 2011
![]() The Catholic Guy Podcast #77: Lino goes to confession the night before the night before Christmas...and bumps into a listener in line. Speaking of listeners, Lino and Fr Rob finally get around to playing voicemails of 2011. Clearly, not everyone loves the show. And when it comes to love, everyone loves Lino's wacky family when they get together for Christmas time. Lino recaps the wacky Rulli family's Christmas cheer. |
Thu, 22 December 2011
![]() The Catholic Guy Show Podcast #76: In this week's podcast, Father Rob and Lino find out what the other got them for Christmas. Lino's General Audience has both a pope impression and the Smiths. And, for those who love old fashioned Catholic Radio, they present Boring Catholic Radio. |
Fri, 16 December 2011
The Catholic Guy Podcast #75: Live from Washington, DC... Is Lino fat? Fr Rob says yes. Lino's mom appears in the Advent Calendar. And a real life politician! Congressman Sean Duffy stops by the show. |
Mon, 28 November 2011
The Catholic Guy Show Podcast- The Best of The Week...Courtesy of SiriusXM Satellite Radio. On this episode, Lino and Father Rob play a new game where people call and try and guess what Father Rob is humming. Lino and Father Rob discuss the Foo Fighters and Bon Jovi's song "Wanted Dead or Alive"...and Father Rob's uncontrollable and crazy laugh.
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast_74_Guess_The_Song_Father_Rob_is_Humming_Father_Robs_Laugh_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:10am EST |
Mon, 28 November 2011
The Catholic Guy Show Podcast- The Best of The Week...Courtesy of SiriusXM Satellite Radio. On this episode, Father Rob wakes up to find that his car was broken into overnight. Lino attends a Mass where the priest was sick and wiping his nose...and didn't wash his hands before giving out communion. A brand new segment, Homily On The Spot, is sure to make you laugh. Enjoy the podcast! |
Mon, 21 November 2011
![]() The Catholic Guy Show Podcast...The best of the week, courtesy of SiriusXM Satellite Radio. On this podcast, Al Roker stops by the Catholic Guy Show to discuss his new project, "Coast Guard Alaska". Lino's Mom calls the show to discuss the Legion of Decency; the Catholic film rating system that was in place when she was a kid. Enjoy the podcast!
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast_72_Al_Roker_Stops_By_The_Studio_and_Linos_Mom_Calls_The_Show_To_Discuss_The_Legion_of_Decency_Catholic_Film_Ratings.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:54pm EST |
Wed, 2 November 2011
The Catholic Guy Show Podcast #71 - The Best of Italy Pilgrimage 2011 PART 3. Courtesy of SiriusXM Satellite Radio.
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast_71_The_Best_of_Italy_2011_PART_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:10pm EST |
Mon, 31 October 2011
The Catholic Guy Show Podcast...The best of the week - courtesy of SiriusXM Satellite Radio. On this podcast, enjoy the best of The Catholic Guy Show, live from Vatican Radio. Hear highlights from the Italy Pilgrimage 2011. PART 2 of 3
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast_70_The_Best_of_Italy_2011_PART_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:57pm EST |
Mon, 31 October 2011
The Catholic Guy Show Podcast...The best of the week - courtesy of SiriusXM Satellite Radio. On this podcast, enjoy the best of The Catholic Guy Show, live from Vatican Radio. Hear highlights from the Italy Pilgrimage 2011. PART 1 of 3
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast_69_The_Best_of_Italy_2011_PART_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm EST |
Wed, 12 October 2011
The Catholic Guy Show Podcast...The best of the week, courtesy of SiriusXM satellite radio. On this podcast, Lino's mom stops by the show to play a round of Hickety Pickety with Lino, Fr. Rob, and Ryan. Father Jim Chern stops by and helps give some Catholic Guy Advice. Father James Martin joins the crew in studio to talk about his new book, "Between Heaven and Mirth". Enjoy the podcast!
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast_68_Linos_Mom_Fr._Jim_Chern_and_Guest_Fr._James_Martin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm EST |
Wed, 5 October 2011
![]() The Catholic Guy Show Podcast...The best of the week, courtesy of SiriusXM Satellite Radio. On this week's podcast, Father Rob and Lino discuss public displays of affection at Mass. Lino shares a story about his lonely Saturday evening and his trip to Barnes and Noble bookstore to find a copy of his book "Sinner". Also, Mark Hart the Bible Geek stops by to give his top 10 list of sinners in the bible. Enjoy the podcast!
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast_67_Public_Displays_of_Affection_at_Mass_Linos_Lonely_Saturday_at_Barnes_and_Noble_and_Mark_Hart_The_Bible_Geek.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:47pm EST |
Mon, 26 September 2011
![]() The Catholic Guy Podcast # 66 - Courtesy of SiriusXM Satellite Radio. On this podcast, Lino and Father Rob talk about the pope's visit to Germany. Lino recaps his priest for a day segment and shares a song parody about his experience. Lino and Father Rob discuss ushering after Lino got asked to usher at Sunday Mass.
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast_66_The_Popes_Visit_to_Germany_Priest_For_A_Day_and_Lino_Gets_Asked_To_Usher_At_Mass.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:16pm EST |
Wed, 21 September 2011
![]() The Catholic Guy Show Podcast #65. On this week's podcast, an update on Lino and the Lector girl, Father Rob runs does damage with a golf cart, Saint Anthony helps find Lino's 5 year prediction from his friend, and Lino reads the prediction live on-air.
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast65_Update_on_Lino_and_the_Lector_Father_Robs_Golf_Cart_Incident_Saint_Anthony_Prayers_and_Linos_5_Year_Prediction.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03am EST |
Mon, 12 September 2011
![]() The Catholic Guy Show Podcast - #64: On this episode, Father Rob announces a semi-pro wrestling match. Lino sees an attractive woman at Mass who turns out to be the mom of a Seminarian. Lino makes an appearance on the Jay Thomas Show to promote his new book, "Sinner".
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast_64_Father_Rob_announces_a_semi_pro_wrestling_match_Lino_likes_a_seminarians_mom_Lino_on_the_Jay_Thomas_Show_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm EST |
Fri, 9 September 2011
![]() In this weeks podcast, we take a look back to the early years of The Catholic Guy Show! Hear Father Rob Keighron's very first appearance on the show. Then, former producer Maureen McMurray sets Lino up on a Valentine's Day Date...that turns into a debacle...
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast_63_Retrospective_Fr_Robs_first_appearance_and_the_Valentines_Day_Debacle_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:34pm EST |
Tue, 30 August 2011
![]() In this weeks podcast, Lino declares an end to online dating. His book "Sinner" is released to the public...before he gets a copy... Fr. Rob interviews the new author. And Mark Hart, "The Bible Geek" stops by to talk bull. Literally.
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast62_Lino_leaves_dating_websiteslinos_book_sinner_is_released_fr_rob_interviews_lino_about_book_Mark_Hart.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:26pm EST |
Mon, 22 August 2011
The Catholic Guy Show podcast: Live (to tape) from Madrid, Spain: Lino Rulli, Fr. Rob Keighron, and Brett Siddell broadcast from the Palacio de Deportes.
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast61_World_youth_day_coverage_Friday_Spain.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:01am EST |
Mon, 22 August 2011
The Catholic Guy Show podcast: Live (to tape) from Madrid, Spain: Lino Rulli, Fr. Rob Keighron, and Brett Siddell broadcast from the Palacio de Deportes.
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast60_World_youth_day_coverage_Spain.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55am EST |
Mon, 8 August 2011
On this weeks podcast, the crew takes calls for minor confessions with Fr. Rob Keighron in studio. Also, the crew, along with Father Jim Chern, take a listen to the World Youth Day theme song and compare it to the top 5 songs on the Billboard charts.
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast59_Minor_Confessions_World_Youth_Day_Theme_Song.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:22pm EST |
Mon, 1 August 2011
On this week's podcast, Lino sees an attractive girl at Sunday Mass - who also happened to be the lector - and Fr. Rob seeks to give him his best muppet voice. Also, Lino announces what his prayer intention has been for the last month: That Father Rob will be joining the show full time. |
Mon, 25 July 2011
On this weeks podcast, Lino realizes that the ice machine at work is full of germs. President Obama tells a joke and nobody laughs. Father Rob talks about parasailing with Jesus. Mark Hart - The Bible Geek - joins the crew to talk hell.
Direct download: TCGS_podcast57_icemachineObama_jokeMark_Hart.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:06am EST |
Mon, 18 July 2011
On this weeks podcast, Lino's personal dating coach Anthony Buono stops by the show to discuss Lino's dating life. Later, Lino's Mom joins the crew by phone and plays a game with the listeners. To the delight of the audience... and to Lino's annoyance...
Direct download: TCGS_podcast56_Anthony_BuonoLinos_Mom.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:02am EST |
Mon, 11 July 2011
On this week's podcast, Lino shares stories from his trip to Ireland. Father Rob Keighron joins the crew in studio... |
Tue, 21 June 2011
This week's podcast is dedicated entirely to Lino's week in Wasilla, Alaska celebrating his friend Goob's wedding. Lino talks about why he grew facial hair "to fit in" in Alaska, explains how he avoided the typical bachelor party stripper conundrum, shares what he said during his best man toast and waxes philosophical on why Alaska might not be the freak state after all. Plus, a tale about an Alaskan Archbishop and a 160 lb halibut.
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast53_LinosAlaskanEncounters.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:39am EST |
Mon, 13 June 2011
Lino kicks off the podcast by talking about his beautiful feet and why he feels it is completely appropriate to wear sandals in a professional environment. Plus, he shares what happened when he typed "Jesus sandals" into google. Then Fr Rob runs hot about his beloved baseball team, The San Francisco Giants. He reacts to the nasty homeplate collision that left Giants' catcher Buster Posey injured and explains why he thinks Scott Cousins might not deserve forgiveness. Finally, Chris Licht, former producer of MSNBC's Morning Joe and current vice president of programming at CBS News, talks to Lino about his book "What I Learned When I Almost Died."
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast_53_Lino_has_mandals_and_Fr_Rob_runs_hot.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:03am EST |
Fri, 27 May 2011
While the cat's away the mice will play. Lino returns from his trip to Cincinnatti to discover that the box of Girl Scout cookies he left on his desk is nearly empty. An on air-trial ensues in which producer Maureen, Adam Hamway from "The Catholics Next Door" and Brett Siddell of the "Busted Halo Show" admit they all had their hands in the cookie jar. Maureen claims Lino deserved to have the cookies stolen, Adam is somewhat contrite and Brett says he'd do it again. Lino deems them all sinners. Lino shares his weekly general audience, including a requisite Pope Benedict XVI impression. Then Lino asks listeners who they think should write a blurb for his upcoming book "Sinner". Fr. Rob suggests 80s TV star Webster, to the delight of everyone instudio.
Direct download: TCGS_Podcast52_Stolen_Cookies_and_book_blurbs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:25am EST |
Mon, 23 May 2011
Lino starts off with a story about a harrowing flight back from Cincinatti and reveals that he always silently prays to himself before takeoff. Campus minister Fr. Jim Chern talks about his overwhelming fear of flying and why he always goes "full priest" and prays aloud on planes. Then Lino updates the crew on his 9 day novena to St. Therese of Lesieux. He prayed he would see roses and on the 8th day of the novena small roses appeared in the office. Listeners took a crack at what Lino had prayed about; guesses included the priesthood, marriage and what type of sandwich he should eat. Turns out Lino was praying whether or not he should stay at The Catholic Channel. No worries! St. Therese of Lesieux said he should stick around. |
Tue, 17 May 2011
This podcast is dedicated to Lino's weeklong pilgrimage in Greece and Turkey. The pilgrims explain what it was like to visit Patmos, and to be inside the actual cave where St. John wrote Revelation. Then the crew switches gears and plays a clip of Fr. Rob singing Journey on the pilgrimage cruiseship. Plus, Lino talks to Fr. Rob about his near death experience in Rhodes and Fr. Rob explains what it was like to have his life saved by Maureen "the big fat liberal." |
Thu, 12 May 2011
Lino, Fr. Rob and Maureen broadcast live from the Paul VI auditorium in Vatican City. They are joined by Fr. Dave Dwyer of the Busted Halo to talk about the legacy of Blessed Pope John Paul II. Lino explains why he thinks it's great that Bl. Pope John Paul II is on a fast track to sainthood, and the always controversial Fr. Rob makes a different case. Lino, Fr. Rob and Fr. Dave share personal stories about meeting Bl. John Paul II, and Lino determines his story is the best. The crew talks about a late night spent eating and drinking green sambuca in Rome, and Fr. Dave laughs like a hyena. |
Tue, 26 April 2011
Lino explains why he didn't want his feet washed on Holy Thursday and shares a tale of drinking with Archbishop Dolan. Plus, why Lino spent 5 hours in church on Good Friday and what he thinks of all the new Catholics who joined the church on Easter vigil. This podcast courtesy of The Catholic Channel on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio. |
Wed, 20 April 2011
Mon, 11 April 2011
Mon, 4 April 2011
Mon, 28 March 2011
Mon, 21 March 2011
Wed, 16 March 2011
Mon, 7 March 2011
In this episode Lino, Lou & Maureen talking street with Fr. Jim, then try and find a Twitter hashtag for Lino with Fr. Rob and then listen to Lou and Maureen try and make some Catholic connections! This podcast courtesy of Sirius159/XM117 (The Catholic Channel). |
Mon, 28 February 2011
This podcast courtesy of Sirius159/XM117. |
Tue, 15 February 2011
Wed, 9 February 2011
In this epidsode we experience the world of Sin City through the eyes of Lino, Lou, Maureen, and Fr. Rob. This podcast courtesy of Sirius159/XM117 (The Catholic Channel). |
Wed, 9 February 2011
In this episode we give 'awards' out for breaks, then here an interesting story about Lino's dad, and finally Lino, Lou, and Maureen talk with Fr. Rob about St. Blaise. This podcast courtesy of Sirius159XM117 (The Catholic Channel). |
Mon, 31 January 2011
TCGS Podcast #37: In this episode Lino and Lou discuss having Justin Bieber on the show, then Lino, Lou, and Maureen revisit New Years resolutions a couple weeks in. This podcast courtesy of Sirius159/XM117 (The Catholic Channel) |
Mon, 24 January 2011
In this episode Lou takes some flack for being out, and then Lino gets into a very ... Open ... discussion. In part three we hear from Fr. Rob about how redheads are just a little different than the rest of us! This podcast courtesy of Sirius159/XM117 (The Catholic Channel) |
Tue, 11 January 2011
Thu, 6 January 2011
In this episode, we hear an interesting story about Lino being nude, then some predictions for 2011, and finally the Airing of Grievances! This podcast courtesy of Sirius159/XM117 (The Catholic Channel).